Thursday, February 10, 2011

Button CRAZY!

These are fun and easy crafts to do on a weekend. You can make button bags and buttoned picture frames.

Here's what you need to make the bags:

- A store bought bag, or a bag you made.
- A variety of buttons.
- A needle and thread.

Here's how you make it:

- Use a needle and thread to sew the buttons onto the bag one by one.
- Keep sewing them on until most of the bag is covered.
- Tie off all of the knots, and you're finished.

Here's what you need for the picture frames:

- An inexpensive picture frame.
- Mod-Podge.
- An assortment of buttons and beads.

Here's how you make it:

- Apply the Mod-Podge to the picture frame.
- Put the buttons and beads onto the frame.
- Set aside to dry.

Have fun!

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